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Blog Posts

    The Perfect Product Specialists AKA: Intelligent Digital Assistant

    A product specialist that speaks every language, works 24 hours a day, knows sign language, and can show videos and collect analytics.

    What Is a Virtual Assistant? It Doesn’t Have to Be What You Think.

    What is a virtual assistant? At nuMedia, we think beyond the regular definition and with our PRSONAS™ visitor management system we will show you how.

    Digital Assistants: The Future of Consumer Experience in Retail

    Retail stores can increase customer experiences with digital assistants that are product specialists, visitor management systems, and wayfinding solutions!

    Interactive Holograms Maximize Your Trade Show Efforts!

    Interactive self-service holograms attract interested individuals to your trade show booth and communicate with them in an effective manner! Increase your trade show ROI with an interactive holograms!

    Digital Assistants Provide An Incredible Asset To Virtual Reality

    Digital hosts provide an incredible asset to any Virtual Reality experience. Whether the user is training for a new job in a virtual environment or walking through the Louvre in Paris, digital hosts are able to guide anyone through the experience and provide incomparable value!

    Wayfinding Technology Gets Personal With Digital Hosts

    Digital assistants can help hospitals and healthcare facility visitors find their way through the maze of corridors with a human-like wayfinding solution.

    Congrats to the Philadelphia Eagles, Now Super Bowl 52 Champions!

    Congrats to the Philadelphia Eagles, now the Super Bowl 52 Champions! We're no strangers to sports, and we've got a cool story to tell!

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