nuMedia Blog | Digital Customer Experiences

Creating Virtual Presenters with Personality

Written by David Rose | Oct 30, 2017 8:12:00 PM

Creating Virtual Presenters with Personality

Picture a scene from an early Frankenstein movie, a remote castle, a stormy sky. A switch is thrown—and you know the rest.

Now fast forward to a 21st century computer lab where a human actor is lending not just his voice, but facial movements, inflection, and charming personality to a 200 million year old dinosaur.

Cue the classic line, “It’s alive! It’s alive!”

The dinosaur that came to life in this lab is a virtual presenter, and a very amazing one at that.

Kudos to talented voice over actor Chris Ratliffvo for getting so involved in the role that he made this video about the process.

In “How I Became a Dinosaur”, Chris shows the use of high tech facial tracking software to bring his unique human qualities to a CGI character or animation.

The unit has a human brain, too.

  • Motion sensors allow it to engage and disengage with customers as if seeing.
  • The characters are “state aware” and say good morning in the AM, good afternoon or evening in the PM.
  • And real human voices, like Chris’, as opposed to synthesized voices, make all the difference. The units talk TO customers NOT at them. They are lifelike and very believable.

Is this all in the interest of science? No. Virtual presenters are the newest way to engage customers in the physical world. They engage customers, conduct commerce transactions, and collect vital analytics about each engagement.

When it comes to adaptation, the sky’s the limit. All personality traits are a part of package, since they define and set these units apart.

And best of all, no castle-storming, torch-bearing, angry villagers—just delighted customers engaged by virtual presenters with personality. Cool.